History of our SchoolThe Ridley Park Presbyterian weekday Church School had its beginning on February 3, 1964 with Mrs. Frances Gurley as the teacher. It was originally a private Kindergarten. In 1972, Rev. Guy approached Mrs. Dona Eifert and Mrs. Ruth Sidebottom about starting a Nursery School. Over the years, it grew and expanded into the Ridley Park Presbyterian Church Nursery School of today.
The Nursery School Staff is dedicated to our children and the love and joy that they bring. We appreciate the continuing support of the families who share their children with us. We are seeing many former students returning as parents in recent years! Our teachers are experienced and well qualified in Early Childhood education and are CPR, AED and First Aid certified. Each staff member has their Child Protection Clearances. Words to Remember
Sometimes parents think that the academic aspects of Nursery School are most important. Our most important role is helping the child with social skills--how to get along with their peers. This builds self-esteem and prepares them for Kindergarten socially and academically. Children get used to a classroom setting. They learn to sit down and develop an attention span and listening skills. They learn to persevere and complete a task and feel confident. The academic skills will follow more easily when the social skills are mastered. |
Facebook, Instagram, Threads PHYSICAL ADDRESS300 N. Swarthmore Avenue
Ridley Park, PA 19078 |
Nursery School Staff Beginning the Year
Mrs. Janine Ashbridge Playgroup, Nursery We know that it is difficult to leave your child especially if
Mrs. Kristen Axe Nursery they are upset entering school. Children often become
Mrs. Lauren Brydges Nursery more upset if they sense that the adult dropping them off
Mrs. Carol Dunn PreK is uncertain. we do expect crying. It is part of our job to
Mrs. Holly Goldsborough PreK, Office Manager comfort and handle crying children. Each child is
Mrs. Annemarie Green Nursery, PreK different and we work with them on an individual basis.
Mrs. Kathy Hunter PreK we have found that the sooner that separation takes
Mrs. Sheri Keen Art, Playgroup place, the better. We will not allow a child to continue to
Mrs. Patricia Kessler Director cry. If we cannot comfort or distract them in some way,
Mrs. Carrie Luyt Nursery, PreK you will be called and other alternatives will be
suggested. We don't give up on children that have
Mrs. Diane Marsich Playgroup, Nursery difficulty adjusting to Nursery School. We will work with
Mrs. Carli McCrea PreK you and your child.
Mrs. Lynn McGarrigle Playgroup, PreK You will receive a name tag at orientation for your child.
Mrs. Amanda McNamee Office Assistant, Playgroup Name tags for all classes are color coordinated for each
Mrs. Mary Anne Patterson Music & God's Time class. Please make sure that your child wears the
Mrs. Beth Robinson Director, Nursery tag for at least three weeks. This assists us in getting
Mrs. Janet Spicer Playgroup children to the proper classroom in the beginning days
Mrs. Karen Strazdus Nursery, PreK of school when we have extra help in the hallways and
Mrs. Jennifer Sweeney Playgroup, PreK these teachers may not know your child yet.
The pastor of RPPC can be reached through the Church Office at 610-532-9400
Sunday School is offered for children 3 through High School on Sunday mornings. Contact [email protected] for information
The Nursery School has a structured program but very flexible. Each classroom routine includes free play, story time, singing, snack, activity time and riding toys. Our program is socially oriented, but we expose your child to all of the academic things that are appropriate, Our primary objective is to help your child learn to work and play with other children and be able to interact with adults other than family members or caregivers. We hope to help your child develop self-confidence and independence, to feel good about themselves and be able to follow classroom routines. Every experience your child has becomes their education and is not always measurable by adult standards, Even when your child does not bring home a finished project, learning has taken place. Following directions, developing language and listening skills and lengthening attention spans are a part of each day.
Our curriculum is designed for the typical child. Children with special needs are welcome and we will do our best to accommodate their needs while being attentive to the other children in class. We may not be able to meet the needs of all children and another alternative may have to be explored for a particular child. Most children can remain in class with assistance from DCIU personnel or other support services.
Each Nursery and PreK class has a monthly calendar, which will explain the activities in your child's classroom. This calendar is unique to that class and it will not be helpful to consult the calendar of a different class.
We are under the auspices of the Church. Some of our songs are about Jesus, "God's Time" is presented weekly to introduce Bible Stories and social stories. Pastor Jim meets with the children for a "Chapel Time" with stories, song and prayer several times through the year.
Playgroup Class
This class is for children who are 2 years of age by August 31st of the school year. It is, as the name implies, a time for play. Teachers interact and actively teach the children to play together, share and clean up toys. As students become comfortable, simple Art projects are completed and music and stories are shared. Children visit the Riding Toy room each day for gross motor activities and must wear sneakers for safety. As the year progresses, they learn school routines like walking in line and waiting for a turn.
Nursery Class
This class is for children three years old by August 31st. Emphasis is on play and interaction with peers and adults. Included in the curriculum are shapes, colors, positional words (over, under, beside), seeing likeness and differences, matching like objects, fine motor activities, good manners, health habits, movement activities, and music. God's time is presented weekly. Show and Tell will be scheduled on classroom calendars. A color day will be scheduled each month and children are encouraged to wear the color of the day. At orientation you will be able to volunteer to provide a color snack for that day. Classes get together during the day to sing. Riding toys will be once each week as indicated on classroom calendars. Please be sure that your child is dressed appropriately and wearing sneakers that day. Art Class is held once a month and Cooking Day occurs several times a year.. Each day includes story time, circle time, singing and free play time.
PreK Class
This class is for children who are four years of age by August 31st before the start of the school year. Our Pre-Kindergarten classes continue to address the social aspects of getting along with peers and respecting property. In addition, the children review the shapes and colors and learn to recognize the numerals 1 to 10 and the letters.
At orientation, parents will be asked to sign up for a turn to do the "Letter Box" with their child. This is a favorite activity for the children when you find small objects that begin with the given letter. Some letters are easier than others, so the number of objects will vary. You may also send in a snack that begins with that letter if you can think of one as long as it is store bought and peanut free. Please do not put items that have a silent letter at the beginning such as knife or a ch or sh sound. Try to demonstrate the sound that the children are learning.
Our classes on a daily basis include play time, story time, and singing. God's Time is included with weekly Music class and Art class is once a month as is Science Day. Cooking Day will be several times during the year.
During this year, we ask that you work with scissors at home (cut with thumb up!) and help your child learn to print their first name with an upper case letter followed by lower case letters. (Printed letters should be written by starting at the top and pulling the pencil/crayon toward themselves.) Children learn at different rates, so at some time during the year, attempt to teach your child their address and a phone number. These are things we will be checking all year long, so don't rush to do everything in September! We will evaluate the children in the Spring and have a conference to discuss their readiness for Kindergarten. We have found that a percentage of parents choose to have their summer birthday child remain at Nursery School and have a more successful, confident experience when they go on to elementary school.
Tuition is due the 15th day of the previous month. The first payment of the year is due August 1 to assure that your child is returning or beginning school. After that, Nursery and PreK classes will pay on the 15th of September through April 15th for a total of 9 payments. Playgroup parents will pay August 1 and then begin October 15th through April 15th for a total of 8 payments. Tuition continues regardless of absences for illness or vacation as it is an annual amount broken into installments for your convenience. Prepayment or payment in full is welcomed. At this time, cash or check/money order are accepted for payments.
Checks should be payable to RPPC Nursery School. Please put your child's name on the check, particularly if their last name is different than the name on the check, Place tuition in an envelope and enclose the tuition coupon and write tuition on the outside. Please send in any notes for the teachers separately since they do not open tuitions. After the 15th of the month, tuition is late and is subject to a $20 late fee. We understand that circumstances occur which make prompt tuition payment difficult. Please communicate with the office and we will try to work with you. Please respond to late tuition notices by phone or email. Any returned checks will be charged an additional fee to cover charges we incur from the bank (currently $20). If repeated returned checks occur, cash only will be accepted.
Arrival and Departure
Daily arrival times vary by class. Bring your child to the door and wait with them until one of your child's teachers opens the door. Doors will be locked after entry and if you are late, you will need to go to the Harrison Street door and ring the doorbell. If you do not get an answer, please call 610-532-4848. We understand that things happen that will cause occasional lateness, but it should not become a daily occurrence. Please keep children and younger siblings off of the steps while waiting for teachers to open the doors. This will avoid accidents when the doors are opened. Please also keep children out of flowerbeds and mulch as much as possible so that our rugs stay clean for the children's play area.
Please be prompt in picking up your child at dismissal. It is very upsetting for a child to see all of their classmates leave. Please move closer to the door and wave when your child is called. If someone different is picking up your child, please send a note. If something comes up during class time, please call and let us know. Adults should know the teachers' names and the proper door if they are picking up your child for the first time. You will list permissible pick-up persons on your information form. Other persons will be asked for ID when picking up your child. As with arrival, please make every effort to be on time. Habitual lateness will result in a late fee. Most of our teachers have another class to teach after the morning classes or children to pick up after the PM classes, so please be considerate! We appreciate the majority of parents and caregivers who are faithfully on time!
Please park legally and do not block local driveways. Do not double park or use the handicapped spots unless you qualify. We have staggered the entry/exit times for our classes to allow some vehicles to leave and open up spaces for the next class.
Please do not bring a dog with you to the Church yard. Even the friendliest pet can get overwhelmed by all of the children and bite or hurt someone.
Please do not smoke or vape on the Church grounds or around the children.
Thanks for your cooperation with these policies. We truly appreciate it!
School Photographs
Pictures for Nursery and PreK classes will be taken in November. Playgroup classes will have pictures in February. Individual and Class Pictures will be taken. Ordering pictures is optional, but we suggest that you dress your child for the class picture even if you are not intending to order pictures. Information will be sent home prior to picture day.
Use of Name or Image
The Nursery School has occasion to send home lists of the children's first and last names to our enrolled families. (i.e. for Valentine cards)
Pictures are taken during the course of the year at our various activities and put on the website. It has happened in the past that a newspaper has covered an event at our school.
If, for some unusual reason, you do not want your child's last name or likeness released, please notify us in writing. The names of classes are posted inside and outside our classrooms and that will continue for all children regardless of your designation.
Donated Items
We gladly accept donations of tissues, paper towels, napkins, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and face wipes (baby wipes). This is optional, but we are grateful for your generosity anytime during the school year. Thanks!!!
If your child will be absent for a day, you don't need to notify us. However, if your child is going to be absent for a number of days due to vacation or illness, we would like to be notified. If your child has a communicable disease such as Covid or Fifth Disease, please let us know promptly. Parents will be notified to watch for symptoms, but your name will be kept confidential. We also need immediate notice of pink eye, head lice or ringworm. If head lice are circulating, our policy is that a child has no nits before they return. The child will be checked upon their return to school after treatment. We do everything we can to keep our school clean, but we need help from you to curtail germs that spread rapidly. We insist that children wash their hands especially after using the bathroom. Please teach them to wash and dry, front and back, so that they are familiar with this practice. Hand sanitizer is used before snack and at other times throughout the day.
We do not admit students who are not immunized with the shots recommended for their age.
Snow Days
In the event of a snow or other emergency closing, check our website or Facebook for information. Please do not call the school as there will not be anyone to answer your call.
Our school will not be listed on TV stations.
Discipline is an area that causes many parents some concern. It is our hope to help your child develop problem solving skills. If there is a situation or conflict in the classroom, the teacher or aide will speak to the child(ren) involved. At this time a solution will be suggested as to how the situation should be handled. If unacceptable conduct continues, the child will be spoken to again. If the situation still continues, the child may be removed from the situation and given an alternative activity. The teachers will discuss and remind the child of the appropriate expectations before allowing them back to the play situation. In cases of extreme behavior that is a danger to other children, the child involved will be removed to another part of the classroom and given an alternative activity.
We would hope, in many cases, to keep this between the teacher and child. We are here to help your child learn what is acceptable and how to achieve that behavior. The staff members involved will communicate by note or phone call about any behavior that is concerning or repetitive. Please try not to discuss behavior on the steps at dismissal. We would rather not discuss this with the child and other parents present. You are free to call or email at any time and the teachers will get back to you.
Annual Calendar
Each family will receive a calendar of events for the year. This will give you advance notice of Christmas Programs held during the day, vacations, holidays, conferences and Closing Programs which are held in the evening. We know that parents must schedule days off from work in advance, so these dates should be helpful.. Upcoming events are always listed on the website, too. Generally, our Parent Orientations are held on a Monday night one week after Labor Day. The next day is a parent/child Open House and school begins that week. Playgroup classes begin in October. All classes end the Wednesday before Memorial Day.
"Get Acquainted" conferences will be held after school has been in session for 6-8 weeks for all Nursery and PreK classes. At that time, you may share any concerns that you have about your child or any information that you feel we need to know to better work with your child. Conferences are also held in the Spring for Nursery and PreK parents. At that time, you will receive a written evaluation of your child's progress.
Playgroup classes will receive written checklists of skills several times a year.
Special Programs
We do not take the children out for field trips, but rather invite people in to share with the children. Examples of this are the Fire Fighters. Letter Carrier, Police, Santa, Poison Control Dental Hygienist, Pedestrian and Car Seat Safety. If you have an occupation or hobby that you would like to share with the children, please speak to the Director.
Show and Tell
Show and Tell will be held about once a month as announced on classroom calendars for Nursery and PreK classes. Please do not send weapons or other unsafe toys. Items should fit in the backpack. Encourage your child to choose something of interest from a trip, something from nature, or a favorite book or toy. Sometimes the teacher will have a theme for Show and Tell based on classroom activities.
School Supplies/Backpack
Nursery School provides all of the crayons, pencils, paint and glue that your child will need. we also provide coverups for painting day.
We ask that you send your child with a backpack each day. It is helpful if a 9x12 sheet of paper can fit in the backpack so that most of our projects will fit. Please put any notes or tuitions in the main, large compartment of the backpack so that they may be easily found. The teachers cannot open every little pocket in every child's backpack. Please also empty your child's backpack each day to find any messages, newsletters and most importantly to see what your child did at school! we would appreciate it if only Nursery School items are kept in the backpack. Extra folders, papers and toys make it difficult to find the important items. Thank you!
Label Items
Please put your child's name in all items brought to school. Jackets, backpacks, lunch boxes, gloves, boots and Show and Tell items should all have your child's name clearly marked on them.
National Emergency/Evacuation
In the unlikely event that we would have to evacuate the building due to fire or other hazard, we will walk the children to Ridley Middle School. You will be notified by phone to pick your child up at that location as soon as possible.
In case of a National Emergency, our policy is to stay with the children as long as necessary and keep them safe and calm. If cell phones do not work, don't panic, just come when you are able, and your child will be in a familiar environment. Some teachers may have to leave to get their own children, but a sufficient number will stay with the Directors until all children are safely united with their parents of caregivers.
We urge you to check your classroom calendar, newsletter, this handbook or other pages on this website for answers to your questions. If you cannot find an answer, please feel free to call 610-532-4848; email [email protected] or use the contact tab on this website. Always say or enter your child's name as the first part of your message. We have many students and it is so important to match the correct information with the correct student. Please address any questions for teachers to the Nursery School email and it will be forwarded to them. Check Facebook, Instagram and Threads for current information, too.
Snacks, Birthdays, and Holiday Parties
Snacks are welcome on a voluntary basis. Parents provide cookies, pretzels, crackers, etc. The snack is used for the whole class and will be used in the order in which it came in. It's important that your child knows that it may not be used on the day that they bring it in. Snacks are labeled with the child's name and the date. Your child will get a thank you for the class at snack time when their treat is used. If there is a child with food allergies in your child's class, you will receive additional information. In general, avoid peanuts and tree nuts and refer to the snack safe list provided to you.
BIRTHDAYS AND HOLIDAY PARTIES We celebrate birthdays in the classroom and sing to the child and use an artificial cake with candles. Please do not send in treat bags or other large food items. There will be a sign up sheet for holiday parties and each family will have one opportunity to provide party snacks at one of the three parties. (Halloween, Christmas & Valentine). Please send store bought items such as mini cupcakes, donut holes or cookies for birthdays and send in only your assigned item for parties. Parents of children with food allergies should check with the teachers prior to the party to be sure that the choices are safe for their child.
Lunch Bunch and Stay and Play
Lunch Bunch is offered on Tuesday and Friday to our children in AM classes. Your child should bring a lunch, the permission slip and the $20 fee to school that morning. We also sell Lunch Bunch coupons 10 for $150. It is important to note that Lunch Bunch is a relaxed, free play time and your child may be in different classrooms with different teachers. If there are any behavior issues in the classroom or at Lunch Bunch, your child will not be permitted to stay until teachers and parents feel that the behavior has been addressed.
Stay and Play is an extended day for children in PM classes. It is held about once a month on a Thursday until 5:30. Check classroom calendars for dates. Please send your child with a packed snack and drink, the permission slip and the $20 or a coupon. There will be 10 Stay and Play sessions if you wish to purchase the sheet of ten coupons for $150. As with Lunch Bunch, if there are any behavior issues, the child will not be permitted to stay. If your child has food allergies, please write this clearly on their permission slip so that they can be kept away from any other child with a snack containing that allergen.
Peanut butter is allowed at Lunch Bunch and Stay and Play but we ask that you label your child's food saying it contains peanut butter. Children with allergies will be seated at a special table apart from peanut butter or other allergens that would be in lunches or snacks. It is the decision of the parents of the child with allergies to allow them to stay. Our staff will take every precaution possible. If your child has food allergies, be sure to write that clearly on their permission slip every time since there will be different teachers.
All tuition payments should be up to date for a child to participate in the extended day programs.
Children with epipens or inhalers should have one in school with their name and instructions from the child's physician attached. This will be posted in the classroom, so that all adults are aware. We do not dispense any other type of medication. Our staff is trained in First Aid, CPR and AED use.
As mentioned above, we are not an allergen-free school. Our routine snacks and birthday/party snacks are required to follow the snack safely guidelines. The exception is that our Lunch Bunch/Stay and Play groups are permitted to bring peanut butter and other items that are not allergy safe. We do our best to separate children and also clean up well after food is consumed. If your child stays for Lunch Bunch or Stay and Play and they have allergies, please write a note EVERY time since different teachers are with them.
Communicate with your child's teachers regarding any parties, special events or extended day programs. It is fine to check the actual food items or ask for a picture of labels for your peace of mind.
The Nursery School has a structured program but very flexible. Each classroom routine includes free play, story time, singing, snack, activity time and riding toys. Our program is socially oriented, but we expose your child to all of the academic things that are appropriate, Our primary objective is to help your child learn to work and play with other children and be able to interact with adults other than family members or caregivers. We hope to help your child develop self-confidence and independence, to feel good about themselves and be able to follow classroom routines. Every experience your child has becomes their education and is not always measurable by adult standards, Even when your child does not bring home a finished project, learning has taken place. Following directions, developing language and listening skills and lengthening attention spans are a part of each day.
Our curriculum is designed for the typical child. Children with special needs are welcome and we will do our best to accommodate their needs while being attentive to the other children in class. We may not be able to meet the needs of all children and another alternative may have to be explored for a particular child. Most children can remain in class with assistance from DCIU personnel or other support services.
Each Nursery and PreK class has a monthly calendar, which will explain the activities in your child's classroom. This calendar is unique to that class and it will not be helpful to consult the calendar of a different class.
We are under the auspices of the Church. Some of our songs are about Jesus, "God's Time" is presented weekly to introduce Bible Stories and social stories. Pastor Jim meets with the children for a "Chapel Time" with stories, song and prayer several times through the year.
Playgroup Class
This class is for children who are 2 years of age by August 31st of the school year. It is, as the name implies, a time for play. Teachers interact and actively teach the children to play together, share and clean up toys. As students become comfortable, simple Art projects are completed and music and stories are shared. Children visit the Riding Toy room each day for gross motor activities and must wear sneakers for safety. As the year progresses, they learn school routines like walking in line and waiting for a turn.
Nursery Class
This class is for children three years old by August 31st. Emphasis is on play and interaction with peers and adults. Included in the curriculum are shapes, colors, positional words (over, under, beside), seeing likeness and differences, matching like objects, fine motor activities, good manners, health habits, movement activities, and music. God's time is presented weekly. Show and Tell will be scheduled on classroom calendars. A color day will be scheduled each month and children are encouraged to wear the color of the day. At orientation you will be able to volunteer to provide a color snack for that day. Classes get together during the day to sing. Riding toys will be once each week as indicated on classroom calendars. Please be sure that your child is dressed appropriately and wearing sneakers that day. Art Class is held once a month and Cooking Day occurs several times a year.. Each day includes story time, circle time, singing and free play time.
PreK Class
This class is for children who are four years of age by August 31st before the start of the school year. Our Pre-Kindergarten classes continue to address the social aspects of getting along with peers and respecting property. In addition, the children review the shapes and colors and learn to recognize the numerals 1 to 10 and the letters.
At orientation, parents will be asked to sign up for a turn to do the "Letter Box" with their child. This is a favorite activity for the children when you find small objects that begin with the given letter. Some letters are easier than others, so the number of objects will vary. You may also send in a snack that begins with that letter if you can think of one as long as it is store bought and peanut free. Please do not put items that have a silent letter at the beginning such as knife or a ch or sh sound. Try to demonstrate the sound that the children are learning.
Our classes on a daily basis include play time, story time, and singing. God's Time is included with weekly Music class and Art class is once a month as is Science Day. Cooking Day will be several times during the year.
During this year, we ask that you work with scissors at home (cut with thumb up!) and help your child learn to print their first name with an upper case letter followed by lower case letters. (Printed letters should be written by starting at the top and pulling the pencil/crayon toward themselves.) Children learn at different rates, so at some time during the year, attempt to teach your child their address and a phone number. These are things we will be checking all year long, so don't rush to do everything in September! We will evaluate the children in the Spring and have a conference to discuss their readiness for Kindergarten. We have found that a percentage of parents choose to have their summer birthday child remain at Nursery School and have a more successful, confident experience when they go on to elementary school.
Tuition is due the 15th day of the previous month. The first payment of the year is due August 1 to assure that your child is returning or beginning school. After that, Nursery and PreK classes will pay on the 15th of September through April 15th for a total of 9 payments. Playgroup parents will pay August 1 and then begin October 15th through April 15th for a total of 8 payments. Tuition continues regardless of absences for illness or vacation as it is an annual amount broken into installments for your convenience. Prepayment or payment in full is welcomed. At this time, cash or check/money order are accepted for payments.
Checks should be payable to RPPC Nursery School. Please put your child's name on the check, particularly if their last name is different than the name on the check, Place tuition in an envelope and enclose the tuition coupon and write tuition on the outside. Please send in any notes for the teachers separately since they do not open tuitions. After the 15th of the month, tuition is late and is subject to a $20 late fee. We understand that circumstances occur which make prompt tuition payment difficult. Please communicate with the office and we will try to work with you. Please respond to late tuition notices by phone or email. Any returned checks will be charged an additional fee to cover charges we incur from the bank (currently $20). If repeated returned checks occur, cash only will be accepted.
Arrival and Departure
Daily arrival times vary by class. Bring your child to the door and wait with them until one of your child's teachers opens the door. Doors will be locked after entry and if you are late, you will need to go to the Harrison Street door and ring the doorbell. If you do not get an answer, please call 610-532-4848. We understand that things happen that will cause occasional lateness, but it should not become a daily occurrence. Please keep children and younger siblings off of the steps while waiting for teachers to open the doors. This will avoid accidents when the doors are opened. Please also keep children out of flowerbeds and mulch as much as possible so that our rugs stay clean for the children's play area.
Please be prompt in picking up your child at dismissal. It is very upsetting for a child to see all of their classmates leave. Please move closer to the door and wave when your child is called. If someone different is picking up your child, please send a note. If something comes up during class time, please call and let us know. Adults should know the teachers' names and the proper door if they are picking up your child for the first time. You will list permissible pick-up persons on your information form. Other persons will be asked for ID when picking up your child. As with arrival, please make every effort to be on time. Habitual lateness will result in a late fee. Most of our teachers have another class to teach after the morning classes or children to pick up after the PM classes, so please be considerate! We appreciate the majority of parents and caregivers who are faithfully on time!
Please park legally and do not block local driveways. Do not double park or use the handicapped spots unless you qualify. We have staggered the entry/exit times for our classes to allow some vehicles to leave and open up spaces for the next class.
Please do not bring a dog with you to the Church yard. Even the friendliest pet can get overwhelmed by all of the children and bite or hurt someone.
Please do not smoke or vape on the Church grounds or around the children.
Thanks for your cooperation with these policies. We truly appreciate it!
School Photographs
Pictures for Nursery and PreK classes will be taken in November. Playgroup classes will have pictures in February. Individual and Class Pictures will be taken. Ordering pictures is optional, but we suggest that you dress your child for the class picture even if you are not intending to order pictures. Information will be sent home prior to picture day.
Use of Name or Image
The Nursery School has occasion to send home lists of the children's first and last names to our enrolled families. (i.e. for Valentine cards)
Pictures are taken during the course of the year at our various activities and put on the website. It has happened in the past that a newspaper has covered an event at our school.
If, for some unusual reason, you do not want your child's last name or likeness released, please notify us in writing. The names of classes are posted inside and outside our classrooms and that will continue for all children regardless of your designation.
Donated Items
We gladly accept donations of tissues, paper towels, napkins, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and face wipes (baby wipes). This is optional, but we are grateful for your generosity anytime during the school year. Thanks!!!
If your child will be absent for a day, you don't need to notify us. However, if your child is going to be absent for a number of days due to vacation or illness, we would like to be notified. If your child has a communicable disease such as Covid or Fifth Disease, please let us know promptly. Parents will be notified to watch for symptoms, but your name will be kept confidential. We also need immediate notice of pink eye, head lice or ringworm. If head lice are circulating, our policy is that a child has no nits before they return. The child will be checked upon their return to school after treatment. We do everything we can to keep our school clean, but we need help from you to curtail germs that spread rapidly. We insist that children wash their hands especially after using the bathroom. Please teach them to wash and dry, front and back, so that they are familiar with this practice. Hand sanitizer is used before snack and at other times throughout the day.
We do not admit students who are not immunized with the shots recommended for their age.
Snow Days
In the event of a snow or other emergency closing, check our website or Facebook for information. Please do not call the school as there will not be anyone to answer your call.
Our school will not be listed on TV stations.
Discipline is an area that causes many parents some concern. It is our hope to help your child develop problem solving skills. If there is a situation or conflict in the classroom, the teacher or aide will speak to the child(ren) involved. At this time a solution will be suggested as to how the situation should be handled. If unacceptable conduct continues, the child will be spoken to again. If the situation still continues, the child may be removed from the situation and given an alternative activity. The teachers will discuss and remind the child of the appropriate expectations before allowing them back to the play situation. In cases of extreme behavior that is a danger to other children, the child involved will be removed to another part of the classroom and given an alternative activity.
We would hope, in many cases, to keep this between the teacher and child. We are here to help your child learn what is acceptable and how to achieve that behavior. The staff members involved will communicate by note or phone call about any behavior that is concerning or repetitive. Please try not to discuss behavior on the steps at dismissal. We would rather not discuss this with the child and other parents present. You are free to call or email at any time and the teachers will get back to you.
Annual Calendar
Each family will receive a calendar of events for the year. This will give you advance notice of Christmas Programs held during the day, vacations, holidays, conferences and Closing Programs which are held in the evening. We know that parents must schedule days off from work in advance, so these dates should be helpful.. Upcoming events are always listed on the website, too. Generally, our Parent Orientations are held on a Monday night one week after Labor Day. The next day is a parent/child Open House and school begins that week. Playgroup classes begin in October. All classes end the Wednesday before Memorial Day.
"Get Acquainted" conferences will be held after school has been in session for 6-8 weeks for all Nursery and PreK classes. At that time, you may share any concerns that you have about your child or any information that you feel we need to know to better work with your child. Conferences are also held in the Spring for Nursery and PreK parents. At that time, you will receive a written evaluation of your child's progress.
Playgroup classes will receive written checklists of skills several times a year.
Special Programs
We do not take the children out for field trips, but rather invite people in to share with the children. Examples of this are the Fire Fighters. Letter Carrier, Police, Santa, Poison Control Dental Hygienist, Pedestrian and Car Seat Safety. If you have an occupation or hobby that you would like to share with the children, please speak to the Director.
Show and Tell
Show and Tell will be held about once a month as announced on classroom calendars for Nursery and PreK classes. Please do not send weapons or other unsafe toys. Items should fit in the backpack. Encourage your child to choose something of interest from a trip, something from nature, or a favorite book or toy. Sometimes the teacher will have a theme for Show and Tell based on classroom activities.
School Supplies/Backpack
Nursery School provides all of the crayons, pencils, paint and glue that your child will need. we also provide coverups for painting day.
We ask that you send your child with a backpack each day. It is helpful if a 9x12 sheet of paper can fit in the backpack so that most of our projects will fit. Please put any notes or tuitions in the main, large compartment of the backpack so that they may be easily found. The teachers cannot open every little pocket in every child's backpack. Please also empty your child's backpack each day to find any messages, newsletters and most importantly to see what your child did at school! we would appreciate it if only Nursery School items are kept in the backpack. Extra folders, papers and toys make it difficult to find the important items. Thank you!
Label Items
Please put your child's name in all items brought to school. Jackets, backpacks, lunch boxes, gloves, boots and Show and Tell items should all have your child's name clearly marked on them.
National Emergency/Evacuation
In the unlikely event that we would have to evacuate the building due to fire or other hazard, we will walk the children to Ridley Middle School. You will be notified by phone to pick your child up at that location as soon as possible.
In case of a National Emergency, our policy is to stay with the children as long as necessary and keep them safe and calm. If cell phones do not work, don't panic, just come when you are able, and your child will be in a familiar environment. Some teachers may have to leave to get their own children, but a sufficient number will stay with the Directors until all children are safely united with their parents of caregivers.
We urge you to check your classroom calendar, newsletter, this handbook or other pages on this website for answers to your questions. If you cannot find an answer, please feel free to call 610-532-4848; email [email protected] or use the contact tab on this website. Always say or enter your child's name as the first part of your message. We have many students and it is so important to match the correct information with the correct student. Please address any questions for teachers to the Nursery School email and it will be forwarded to them. Check Facebook, Instagram and Threads for current information, too.
Snacks, Birthdays, and Holiday Parties
Snacks are welcome on a voluntary basis. Parents provide cookies, pretzels, crackers, etc. The snack is used for the whole class and will be used in the order in which it came in. It's important that your child knows that it may not be used on the day that they bring it in. Snacks are labeled with the child's name and the date. Your child will get a thank you for the class at snack time when their treat is used. If there is a child with food allergies in your child's class, you will receive additional information. In general, avoid peanuts and tree nuts and refer to the snack safe list provided to you.
BIRTHDAYS AND HOLIDAY PARTIES We celebrate birthdays in the classroom and sing to the child and use an artificial cake with candles. Please do not send in treat bags or other large food items. There will be a sign up sheet for holiday parties and each family will have one opportunity to provide party snacks at one of the three parties. (Halloween, Christmas & Valentine). Please send store bought items such as mini cupcakes, donut holes or cookies for birthdays and send in only your assigned item for parties. Parents of children with food allergies should check with the teachers prior to the party to be sure that the choices are safe for their child.
Lunch Bunch and Stay and Play
Lunch Bunch is offered on Tuesday and Friday to our children in AM classes. Your child should bring a lunch, the permission slip and the $20 fee to school that morning. We also sell Lunch Bunch coupons 10 for $150. It is important to note that Lunch Bunch is a relaxed, free play time and your child may be in different classrooms with different teachers. If there are any behavior issues in the classroom or at Lunch Bunch, your child will not be permitted to stay until teachers and parents feel that the behavior has been addressed.
Stay and Play is an extended day for children in PM classes. It is held about once a month on a Thursday until 5:30. Check classroom calendars for dates. Please send your child with a packed snack and drink, the permission slip and the $20 or a coupon. There will be 10 Stay and Play sessions if you wish to purchase the sheet of ten coupons for $150. As with Lunch Bunch, if there are any behavior issues, the child will not be permitted to stay. If your child has food allergies, please write this clearly on their permission slip so that they can be kept away from any other child with a snack containing that allergen.
Peanut butter is allowed at Lunch Bunch and Stay and Play but we ask that you label your child's food saying it contains peanut butter. Children with allergies will be seated at a special table apart from peanut butter or other allergens that would be in lunches or snacks. It is the decision of the parents of the child with allergies to allow them to stay. Our staff will take every precaution possible. If your child has food allergies, be sure to write that clearly on their permission slip every time since there will be different teachers.
All tuition payments should be up to date for a child to participate in the extended day programs.
Children with epipens or inhalers should have one in school with their name and instructions from the child's physician attached. This will be posted in the classroom, so that all adults are aware. We do not dispense any other type of medication. Our staff is trained in First Aid, CPR and AED use.
As mentioned above, we are not an allergen-free school. Our routine snacks and birthday/party snacks are required to follow the snack safely guidelines. The exception is that our Lunch Bunch/Stay and Play groups are permitted to bring peanut butter and other items that are not allergy safe. We do our best to separate children and also clean up well after food is consumed. If your child stays for Lunch Bunch or Stay and Play and they have allergies, please write a note EVERY time since different teachers are with them.
Communicate with your child's teachers regarding any parties, special events or extended day programs. It is fine to check the actual food items or ask for a picture of labels for your peace of mind.